
 We passionately desire that you have sophisticated access to infinite knowledge so you may create your Divinely aligned transformational life here on Earth and in the Cosmos.  You have within you keys to a New Earth and we are devoted to creatively co-architect that which you deep down know you are here to be, create and enjoy. 

Within The Divine Temple’s innovative Sacred Architecture is a chamber devoted to you.  This magical chamber has frequencies, stargates, and activations to awaken codes within your DNA. So you may potently contribute at the level you desire and rock the multiverse with your harmonics.

You are an old soul on a mission, calling to embody your Divine Essence with your Divinity firmly anchored into the seat of your Soul. Let’s Sacred Architect in the Magic of Love your Heaven on Earth by; 

Up-levelling your Divine Connection

Embracing your Original Soul Contract

Jumping timelines by upgrading your gifts and talents across all dimensions to unlock unity consciousness for a New Earth paradigm

Catherine is a sacred architect, and channel of infinite knowledge and Divine love magic. 

Working with sensitives, creators, healers, leaders and change makers who want to connect to their Truth, amplify their mastery bringing their unique voice forward, she creates sacred-committed-nourishing environments, deactivating  separation patterns to expansive-multidimensional-authentic Self expressions empowering efficient light embodied connections, impact and resources

Integrating psychotherapeutic understanding with a refined connection to Thoth aligning and activating an experiential sense of the inner god/dess; 

Catherine has a Post Graduate Diploma in Drama and in Child Mental Health, Certification in Quantum Light, training in Arcturian healing, aromatherapy, spontaneity, yoga, anthroposophy, and psychodrama. Catherine loves the ocean, mountains, and forests. She has three grown children and continues to enjoy spending time with each of them. 


DT Catherine headshot



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Thoth, myself and Beings of light tune in and activate all that is aligned for you. 


Embody and actualize all that is aligned for you.