Catherine O'Connor

Right Relationship Keys Masterclass + 30 min call

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Right Relationship Keys Masterclass + 30 min call

Embody the energy of Ma’at

In this masterclass Ma’at will bring her wisdom to support you to develop a deeper connection to yourself through the lens of a loving, honest and harmonious relationship to yourself. 

Are you ready to: 

  • Curate a loving relationship with yourself

  • Develop an honest relationship with yourself

  • Integrate fragmented aspects of your soul

  • Shift outdated patterns of over or undergiving

  • Create firm loving boundaries that sustain you and your relationships

So you can have:

  • A loving, intimate soul partnered relationship

  • Like minded community

  • Friendships that expand, nurture and stimulate your body and Soul

  • Dynamic healthy family life

  • Ideal clients flowing through your door

  • A vibrant mind, physical body and emotional field. 

Total due $97

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