Expand, Embody, and Express
Embody your Divine Self and curate your most fulfilling life…
…without dimming your light, outdated patterns getting in the way, or pretzeling yourself into someone you're not.
I am delighted that you are called to find out more about how you can continue to expand into your multidimensional-authentic Self—creating a joy-filled life.
On January 14, 2025 I am partnering with a handful of highly sensitive, creative, innovative change-makers, therapeutic practitioners, spiritual seekers, coaches, visionaries, and leaders…
…and showing them exactly how to embody their Truth; Divine Self, whilst creating a sacred-fully actualized life that looks and feels like them.
Attuned to your Divine compass and optimal timeline, listening to your Soul-heart's deepest desires, profound inner knowing, trust in your capacity to create a life that reflects YOU, ease-filled razor-sharp choices. Confidence to be visible and dynamic, authentically navigating your soul’s journey
Physically, mentally and emotionally resourced from the inside out, honest, fulfilling communication, appropriately tending to your and others' requirements, joyfully witnessing others blossom, experiencing compassion, forgiveness and letting go of past wounds.
Expanding into Divine YOU, speaking your truth with ease, giving voice to your emotions and desires, having an impact where it matters, choosing what is optimal for you and your loved ones, shifting timelines, grounding new earth consciousness on the planet, confidently parent your children whilst nurturing your passions and career.
‘ON TAP’ GUIDANCE, wisdom, and inspiration, connected to your inner wisdom, guides and off-planet frequency, harmonious higher states of being—you are your wellspring of inspiration, creativity, and Divine support.
Witnessing the unveiling of each moment so that it informs your aligned actions, natural synchronicity and the creation of your Love and light flow, external resources—money, relationships, a home that nourishes your internal vibration.
- Your dream business or vocation—a prosperous-heart-centered career or business that stimulates and excites your mind, body and spirit and is financially rewarding
- Money to grow your mission, expand your reach, care for yourself and your family, create holidays, build your dream home, retire, nurture yourself with “the little and big things” in life
- Relationships that expand, nurture and stimulate your body and Soul (sensual and aligned sexual experiences, expansive-loving emotional intimacy, magnetising a Divine mate, intimate relationship with your multidimensional self
- Optimal health—recover from chronic pain or illness, step into a heart-centered relationship with your body, vibrancy, inner radiant beauty, strength, flexibility, eating well
- Space for things you enjoy like yoga, reading, music, dance, writing, painting, hiking, travel, holidays and more...
...the fear of being isolated, overcommitted, undernourished, getting it wrong or compromising your dreams.
If you are on a visionary path and you're feeling stuck or finding it hard to break through your next level of consciousness ceiling…
…and you want to feel 100% fulfilled and filled up, without compromising your integrity, finances, stability, loved ones' requirements, or holding back, waiting for the right time, experiencing any limitations that may have arisen from past experiences…
…then Divine Presence and I will show you an alternative pathway utilising the most overlooked resource Star Seeds and forerunners have—your Divine origins—tapping into your spiritual self without limiting thoughts, emotions, or body sensations running the show, preventing you from experiencing your Divine Self and Life.
What I am most excited about is the magic underneath the magic of Divine Presence...
...your personal and spiritual evolution collapse timelines and go beyond this earthstar incarnation—amplifying your Divine light and connection to the creative force—expanding your impact whilst consolidating a ‘balanced’ fulfilling life that feels like you—without pushing through ascension ceilings and trying to figure it out.
Being connected to your Divine origins gives you an access pass for life to a deeply nourishing, fulfilling, and enjoyable life—and an evolutionary path that continues to expand beyond the time frame of this program.
This one to three-year program attunes you to your unique Divine essence, completing overlays of unconscious patterning, originating from beliefs and unprocessed emotions, expressing as fears and doubts.
It brings you into resonance with your multi-dimensional Divine self so you can create a juicy, sustainable life that looks and feels like you.
You are held in a group field and an individual etheric (energetic) temple, calibrating you to your Divine Presence nourished by the community whilst on your unique journey.
You will be nourished by a 365-day energy vortex which is deeply transformative. This customized vortex, co-created with Thoth and your higher self, ignites on day one of your journey. This alone is worth the value of the program.
On day one of the program you will kick start your journey with a potent energetic night chamber filled with nourishing energies to calibrate your system to re-remembering all that you are with ease.Plus on-demand night chambers that the guides bring in as is required.
You will receive pre-recorded and live activations created and aligned with your highest timeline—packed with potent transformational energy that works at the level of SOUL and DNA, aligning you to your Divine Authentic Self. Your first month includes one major plus five mini potent activations tune into multiple times.
Through live and pre-recorded activations, one-on-one calls, group mentorships and your customised vortex you will be activating and embodying your Divine Presence Light body. As your light body activates, this nurtures and activates your physical body, mind and emotions supporting you to further embody your Divine presence.
In your first semester, you’ll dive into core themes of alignment, authenticity and love so that as you continue to curate your masterpiece life it is based on your uniqueness.
This is multidimensional so naturally we will be working in all the dimensions that you reside.
We will meet as a group ten out of the twelve months, two to three times a month for 90 minutes (24 in total).
These calls will be an opportunity to receive transmissions, one-on-one spot guidance, plus group interaction. The times for the group calls are scheduled for:
Monday 12.00 pm PT / 3.00 pm ET / Tuesday 8.00 am NZT.
The first call is on January 14, 2025.
This may vary by an hour or two hours between winter and summer. All group calls are recorded so you can listen to them, going deeper each time. Plus if you can not make the live calls you will be included in the energy and can tune in at a time that suits you. (The times we do not meet as a group are a time to integrate and focus on your creations)
Over the twelve months together you will receive TEN 60-minute one-on-one calls to deepen into the areas of curating your customised life that are most alive for you.
Plus receive personalised mentorship and channelled messages from the guides.
This is an opportunity to tailor the program to you, shift stubborn outdated beliefs and patterns, energise unique-Divine inner and outer systems, supporting you to create that which you most desire during our year together.
To consolidate the higher energy and create a life that is a true expression of you and your heart's desires, in each 12-week block, we will focus on actualising one external expression of your inner shifts in one area of your life: financial flow, aligned relationships, fulfilling mission, whole health, playful time (holiday), self-love (nurturing activities), nourishing physical resources (home, food, crystals), embodiment of higher consciousness Be fully YOU.
You may also take one focus for the year with mini focuses to support the actualisation of your one Dream.
For example:
- Fulfilling Mission: Establish or expand a career path or business, technology, or way of being
- Master Money: Grow your wealth, internalise a new paradigm of money, redefine your relationship, nurture yourself with “the little and big things ”in life
- Right Relationships: Curate a loving relationship with yourself, meet a soul partner, develop or explore an intimate relationship with sensual experiences, shift stubborn patterns in current relationships, create community,develop new friendships that expand, nurture and stimulate your body and Soul
- Optimal Health: Recover from chronic pain or illness, uplevel your relationship to food and movement
- Nourishing Resources: A home to call your own that reflects your internal vibration, Earth angels to nurture and support your transformation
- Spacious Space: For things that you enjoy like yoga, reading, writing, painting, hiking, travel, holidays and more
- Inner and Outer Alignment: Synchronicity, magic, flow.
This year kicks off with a potent 365-day energy vortex plus:
- 11 major pre-recorded 60-minute activations
- Additional pre-recorded and live activations
- 24 ninety-minute group calls
- 10 sixty-minute individual calls
- Energetic Night Boosts calibrated by the Guides
- A bonus Cosmic Source Love Codes activation
- Focus projects
Supporting you to embody your unique Divinity creating a rich life that looks and feels like you.
The energies are bespoke and customised to meet you where you are. It works best if you:
- Recognize that working with inner transformation and higher consciousness is a dynamic path to affecting your outer reality
- Have experienced at least one to two years of personal transformation (or know this is so right for you that this is not relevant)
- Enjoy working with what arises in the moment being that which informs the present moment
- Do not require to understand everything with your mind (this program will infuriate you)
- Are financially stable