Divine Presence Program

Curate Your Deeply fulfilling life & Embody Your Divine Presence in this one year program

We are excited that you are called to learn to more about the upcoming program. 

If you are on a visionary path and you're feeling stuck, finding it hard to break through your next level of consciousness ceilings - feeling 100% fulfilled and filled up, without compromising your; integrity, finances, stability, loved ones' requirements, or; holding back, waiting for the right time, experiencing any limitations that may have arisen from past experiences or choices.

then Divine Presence and I will show you an alternative pathway utilizing the most overlooked resource Star Seeds and forerunners have; your Divine origins; tapping into your spiritual self without limiting thoughts, emotions, or body sensations running the show. preventing you from experiencing your Divine; Self and Life.

What I am most excited about is

Divine Presence has stepped forward so you may embody your Divine Essence, advance your spiritual and personal evolution (without pushing through ascension ceilings and trying to figure it out), speed up your highest timeline and the impact of what you choose to create, be and have, whilst creating a ‘balanced fulfilling life that feels like you. 

Here's how the program  will flow

This year-long program; attuning you to your unique Divine essence, completing overlays of; fear, patterns of holding back, standing still, and overgiving is designed to bring you into resonance with your multi dimensional-sovereign-Divine self. So you can create a juicy, sustainable life that looks and feels like you. 

You will be nourished by a 365-day energy vortex which in itself is deeply transformative. This vortex, co-created with Thoth and your higher self,  ignites at midnight on day one of your journey and runs for 365 days. 

In your first month, you begin this potent journey with 13 pre-recorded potent activations from Divine Presence, that you can listen to and re-listen to at a time that suits you.

These activations are packed with potent transformational energy that works at the level of SOUL and DNA, aligning you to your Multidimensional Essence. 

Over the following eleven months, for ten of these; you receive either one or two group calls a month (one 360 mins or two 90 minutes), with my guides and I.  Plus eight individual 60-minute transmissions. These may be alignment sessions or channeled transmissions or a combination. Plus on the 14th of each month, you will receive an energetic night boost. To supercharge this year you also receive two bonus pre-recorded Cosmic Source Love Code activations that you can listen to at a time and place that suits you.  

All transmissions are recorded so you can relisten to them, going deeper each time. Plus if you can not make the live calls you will be included in the energy and can tune in at a time that suits you. 

Group transmissions in January will be pre-recorded. 

The times for the group calls are scheduled for Fridays at 8:00 am NZ time. This is subject to change and may vary by an hour between winter and summer. 

In summary

This year kicks off with a potent 365-day energy vortex and includes group and eight individual transmissions, eleven-night energetic boosts, aligned one on one interactions plus two bonus Cosmic Source Love Codes activation. 

Is this for you?

The energies are bespoke and customized meeting you where you are. 

It works best if you:

  • Recognize that working with inner transformation and higher consciousness is a dynamic path to affecting your outer reality. 
  • Enjoy working with what arises in the moment being that which informs the present moment. 
  • Are financially stable.

What is the Investment?

In this transformational container, you accelerate your Soul’s evolution. Holding you in a bespoke dynamic energy container which in itself is deeply transformational, you will come into a deeper relationship with your True Divine Essence. Calibrating more deeply to your multidimensionality, Divine and Soul Truth, empowering you as a Divine incarnate being to create a successful -prosperous life as you define it. 

The investment is $25,000 US If you say yes within 96 hours (four days) you receive a special fast action empowered decision investment of; $18,000 US, plus a two-hour one-on-one call to kick start your journey. 

Do you provide a payment plan? 

Yes you can pay in monthly installments of US $1500

I want to upgrade…

Yes;  Receive eleven one on one calls plus the full Cosmic Source Love Codes Activation Series (twelve pre-recorded activations) plus a Galactic Heritage Card deck, only available with this program), for the full price of US $25000.

When does the program begin?

This program begins January 2025.