Get to know Catherine and the guides by checking out a podcast

Step Into The Spotlight & Be Deeply Nourished (impact, income & connections)

In this conversation, you will discover and receive energetic frequency and information supporting an exploration of being authentically visible. This class will unlock more of your light, anchoring you to your connection with the Divine. By creating a secure sense of self, we unveil the truth that you are powerful beyond measure. Second, by entering into empowered action, you may open your ability to naturally create an abundance of nourishing resources like money, inspiring relationships, success, and time with your loved ones. In completion, through connecting with your heart, you will learn to enact your power while upholding the integrity of your values. Plus as you embrace your light, you reveal your shadow, the aspects of your being that leave you feeling overworked, frightened to be seen, rejected, and depleted. With compassionate understanding, we discuss the process of loving all aspects of yourself, and through love unlocking the power to be an authentic leader.


Receive Your Cosmic Self—"Cosmic Source Love Codes"


Join Moncef and Catherine in this very powerful call full of cosmic frequencies and Light Language activations to support integrating more of our galactic nature.

In this episode, Catherine and the guides explain what is our Cosmic Self and how it affect our reality, how to navigate the embodiment transition, how to make choices and create as Sovereign Beings, and much more.

You are a galactic citizen on Earth. As such you have access to cosmic dimensions. These frequencies both awaken and nurture your subtle bodies so you can incarnate your magic on the Earth and beyond. Feeling alone or ungrounded can often be addressed by accessing off-planet frequencies that your system is familiar with. As you incarnate more of your galactic nature this assists you to feel nurtured and “safe” here on Earth. You orientate to a larger dimensional experience of yourself and thus of the; cosmos, Divine, and your life here on Earth.