Catherine O'Connor

Stepping Into the Spotlight Program

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Stepping Into the Spotlight Program

Break through your visibility fears, voice your authentic self and align to and create your deepest desires with confidence. 

Feel confidently at ease in the spotlight, radiate authentically your natural genius without holding back, diluting your power, compromising your integrity or staying on the sidelines when you are meant to lead. 

In this 4-week, deep dive transformational container, you will receive a plethora of energetic and physical plane support, a 24/7 energetic vortex, visibility night chamber, group support, the guides and my eyes on your personal transformation and “real world” creations plus four 75-minute group sessions…fine-tuned to support you to release lifetimes of being frightened to be seen and heard as YOU, accessing your potency confidently and moving into alignment with your Souls timeline. 

Total due $1,497

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