Catherine O'Connor

Stepping Into The Spotlight: Offer A 90-minute Masterclass

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Stepping Into The Spotlight: Offer A 90-minute Masterclass

Release fears of being seen and step into the light being authentically confident

Do you, Divine creator, deeply desire to be authentic? Do you want to know and speak your truth with confidence? Do you long for aligned relationships calibrated to respect and love? Are you thinking about shifting your “work” towards a True expression of you? Does magic, synchronicity, and flow sound like an attractive match?


Are you hiding your unique genius from yourself or others? Are you dimming your light to fit into your family system, culture, or work environment? Are you covering your true desires from yourself or the world? Are you, cosmic citizen, feeling sad, anxious, or overwhelmed? 

Then this master class may be your next powerful step towards being authentically visible.

You know you are here to contribute, voice your spiritual truth, and actualize your heart's desires with confidence.

In this ninety-minute live group masterclass you will;

  • Discover the root of one core ancient visibility fear 
  • Clear this fear
  • Unlock codes of happiness and confidence
  • Unlock a code of authentic visibility
  • Align to a profound sense of internal freedom 
  • Discover your power to create your happiness through you being you
  • Unlock the potency of love residing within your heart.

Catherine will be partnering with Thoth and beings of light in light of the ninth dimension and higher. 

Total due $67

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